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Ayurveda View On Infertility

In Ayurveda, Infertility can be possible to cure with proper diet management, sanity, and a yogic lifestyle. Infertility stands for not conceiving after a year of regular intercourse without contraception. This problem can be resolve with Ayurveda. Many women are dealing with the side effects and stress of infertility. On the same side, many men have infertility because of low sperm count and motility.

Infertility in women results from ovarian factors, tubal factors, age-related factors, uterine problems, endometriosis, or immature menopause. A woman's mind and body are affected by many things, such as diet, emotional instability, excessive physical exercise, lifestyle, abortions, and stress. A condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOD/PCOS) gives birth to infertility. It signifies that a woman doesn't ovulate, doesn't release an egg from an ovary. Vulnerable fallopian tubes that carry eggs from a woman's ovary to the uterus lead to infertility.

Male infertility denotes low sperm count, too few or no sperm in your semen. In addition, abnormally formed sperm and blocked sperm ducts.

Ayurveda supports a patient by rejuvenating his body's natural healing and balancing system. Pacify the vitiation of the digestive fire, plus three governing factors of the body. It keeps his mind focused on treating infertility holistically, plus improving a patient's health and quality of living.

Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to improve fertility. Today, fertility in both men and women is affected by many factors such as stress, pollution, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle. It is important to cleanse the body from toxins and provide optimal nutrition to ensure the mind and bodies are in ideal state for reproduction.

The rate of fertility and population growth rate are in a continuous decline worldwide, especially in developed countries. The advancement in the age of women trying to conceive in busy urban societies and the increased cost of raising children in small families is a deterrent factor for the fertility rate. Increased use of pesticides and chemicals is also believed to be a contributing factor, especially in male infertility.

A healthy body, calm mind and appropriate timing are all necessary considerations in Ayurvedic fertility.

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Aarogyapure Pilos Care, Pigmentation Care, Hair Care, Intimate Care, Infertility Care and She Care

What is male infertility?

Infertility is a common issue these days. Almost 10% of the couples are facing difficulty in conceiving. Male infertility is defined as inability to have a child after one or more year of unprotected sexual intercourse.

What Causes Male Infertility?

Some of the major factors essential for conception with respect to males are:

Healthy spermatozoa (sperms): the count, shape, size of the spermatozoa should be taken into account.

The spermatozoa should undergo the necessary changes and be deposited high in the vagina or near the cervix.

The sperms must have good motility so that they are able to ascend through the cervix into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.

Aarogyapure Pilos Care, Pigmentation Care, Hair Care, Intimate Care, Infertility Care and She Care

Defective spermatogenesis: The formation of sperms is known as spermatogenesis. This requires an optimum temperature 1-2 degrees lower than the normal body temperature (the prime reason why the scrotum is placed ‘outside ’ the body), apart from a healthy hormonal balance.

Congenital: Birth defects like undescended testes, cause depressed spermatogenesis.

Autosomal (chromosomal) diseases: where there is a loss of ciliary function (mobility) and sperm motility.

Hypospadias: A congenital defect where the opening of the penis is on the underside rather than the tip, which causes failure to deposit sperm high in vagina.

Thermal factor: Raised scrotal temperature, the testicular temperature is slightly less than the body temperature and is ideal for sperm production. Increase in temperature of testicular region affects the formation of the sperm. Wearing tight fitting underwear, work environment etc. are associated with high scrotal temperature.

Infections:The quality of sperms is adversely affected by chronic bacterial or viral systemic infections.

Shukra dosha: (Defects in semen- volume, morphology, motility, sperm count, obstruction in the genital tract or erectile dysfunction)

Ativyayama  (overexertion leads to vitiation of the vata dosha, which is the number one cause of infertility)

Aahara dosha: (improper food habits, not consuming a balanced diet, in turn leading to defective digestion, vitiation of the Tridoshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which causes malnutrition)

Vihara dosha: (abnormalities in lifestyle- over exercise or not exercising at all, late nights, alcohol overconsumption etc.)

Loss of bala or strength: debilitating diseases, trauma to genital organs, muscle weakness, infections or stricture causing obstructive pathology, which could cause infertility.

Manasa doshas refers to mental stress, inability to concentrate that could lead to premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.

MENTAL STRESS: During stress the autonomic nervous system and adrenal hormones affect the reproductive system in males. Studies have revealed that mild to severe emotional stress decreases the testosterone level and hence interferes with the formation of sperms.

ALCOHOL: Alcohol intake decreases the testosterone level, leads to loss of libido and reduces the quality and quantity of sperms. Alcohol stops liver from proper metabolism of vitamin A and hinders the zinc absorption. Vitamin A has a crucial role in sperm in sperm development and zinc deficiency leads to low sperm count. Thus alcohol drastically affects the reproductive health and has long been associated with reason for male infertility.

Other Factors: Intake of spicy, salted, frozen- preserved food, low nutrition diet, Fear, stress, tight clothing, working in hot environment, smoking, alcohol and lifestyle disorder leads to aggravated rakta and pitta dosha, this affects the quality and quantity of shukra dhatu & lead to male infertility.

According to the research there are increasing number of male infertility due to environmental pollution, stress and lifestyle. There are many causes of infertility in men arising due to lifestyle disorder. We shall discuss only the most common cause of male infertility.

Aarogyapure Pilos Care, Pigmentation Care, Hair Care, Intimate Care, Infertility Care and She Care

Male infertility symptoms

The main symptom of infertility in men is not being able to have a child. Most of the infertile men do not notice signs other than mentioned later. Signs of male infertility may be:

  • Erectile dysfunction due to hormonal changes
  • Pain or swelling in testicles
  • Hormonal imbalance may lead to loss of libido
  • Small and firm testicle results in male infertility.
  • Ejaculatory defect: Premature, retrograde or absence of ejaculation
  • Sperm Abnormality:
    # Loss of motility (Sperm motility is the ability of sperm to “ swim ” through the female reproductive tract to reach the egg)
    # Abnormal sperm morphology (round-headed sperms)
    # Failure of emission of semen
    # Sperm count is less than 20 million per mL
    # No spermatozoon in the semen
    # Dead or motionless spermatozoa.

Errors in seminal fluid: High or low volume of ejaculate, low fructose content, high prostaglandin content and undue viscosity.

Aarogyapure Pilos Care, Pigmentation Care, Hair Care, Intimate Care, Infertility Care and She Care

A Lifestyle Approach To Male Fertility

Ayurvedic treatment for male infertility applies a lifestyle approach. They take into consideration the entire person and work to balance things out.

  • Physical Health: Male partners’ health is a big part of fertility. Specifically, the condition of their shukra, or reproductive tissue. Ayurveda believes that the health of these tissues begins with food. What you eat is broken down into different products for your body, such as nutritious fluids, muscles and bones. So, eat healthy and nutritious.
  • Eat A Well-Balanced Diet: A balanced diet is usually best. A diet based on fruits, vegetables, lentils, beans, and legumes is recommended. These nutritious foods are packed with essential nutrients like zinc, protein, fiber, and vitamins.
  • Manage Stress: Stress can cause hormonal imbalances, disrupt your doshas, and generally upset your body's harmony. It's important to try to minimize stress wherever you can. Yoga is a great stress reliever. Ayurveda also recommends incorporating body massage and meditation into your routine, as well as using Ayurvedic medicines.
  • Physical Strength And Vitality: Regular exercise and yoga practice are not only good for the body, but also for the mind and spirit. Yoga in particular can help balance your doshas and calm your mind. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and increase physical strength.

Ayurveda takes into consideration all human beings. Lifestyle changes and additives are beneficial for both male and female fertility. Together, they can lead not only to a successful conception but also to a healthy child.

Aarogyapure Pilos Care, Pigmentation Care, Hair Care, Intimate Care, Infertility Care and She Care

How Can One Identify Male Infertility?

Proper investigations need to be done in order to detect and rectify any abnormality and attempt to improve fertility, also, to give assurance with an explanation to the couple.

Routine investigations are necessary to check the healthiness of the sperms and that include blood and urine examination, including postprandial sugar.

Semen analysis: is the most important test which could rule out male infertility. Here the sperm count motility, morphology, viscosity and viability of sperms can be detected.

In-depth analysis of hormones, fructose content, and microscopic studies may also be performed when advised.

Infertility Treatment With Ayurveda

Infertility in Ayurveda has been described as failure to achieve conception by a couple of mature age, having normal coitus, during an appropriate period of menstrual cycle regularly for over a year.

The causes of the above are due to defects of the Spermatozoa and ova, acceptance of shukra (semen) by the yoni (vagina), in other words, deposition of semen high in the vagina, proper aahara (food and digestion), vihaara (good conduct and lifestyle of the couple), vichaara (thought process, mental stability) and bala (strength and health) are factors essential for procreating.

Aarogyapure Pilos Care, Pigmentation Care, Hair Care, Intimate Care, Infertility Care and She Care

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