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Aarogyapure Pilos, Pigmentation, Hair, Intimate, Infertility and She Care

PCOD / PCOS Problems

Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) is very common nowadays and affects around 10 to 15% of women in their reproductive age and sometimes during their teenage. It is associated with a high risk of hormonal changes, acne scars, miscarriages, gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, premature birth, etc.

Some symptoms of PCOD include overweight, irregular periods, excessive body hair especially on the chest, stomach, and back (Hirsutism), male pattern baldness, thinning of hair, acne scars along with oily skin, infertility, etc.

PCOD is a medical condition where a woman develops multiple cysts in her ovaries. The androgen level in PCOD women is high and thus interferes with the development and release of eggs. A healthy egg is not released in PCOD women and thus interferes with pregnancy and various other changes in the body which include irregular periods or absence of periods.

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Aarogyapure She Care (PCOD/PCOS)

  • Improved Quality of the eggs.
  • Improves Quality of the endometrium thickness, reducing the risk of miscarriage
  • Improves blood supply to the womb.
  • Reduces Immuno Globulin hyperactivity.
  • Regular menstrual cycle and relieve cramps.
  • Control Weight
  • Remove Cyst
  • Balance Hormones and many side benefits.

₹  2,199    1,599.00

Aarogyapure Pilos Care, Pigmentation Care, Hair Care, Intimate Care, Infertility Care and She Care

Aarogyapure PCOD Care thus loaded with the goodness of multiple Ayurvedic herbs helps to improve fertility rate and reduce PCOD symptoms.

Aarogyapure Pilos Care, Pigmentation Care, Hair Care, Intimate Care, Infertility Care and She Care

we will provide you personalized Diet-chart.

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